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Young People Ask

Why Go to Christian Meetings?

Why Go to Christian Meetings?




THE Bible commands Christians to gather together for worship. (Hebrews 10:25) But what if you just don’t enjoy being there? What if you find yourself daydreaming about what you could be doing if you were somewhere else​—anywhere else? Make adjustments by trying out one or more of the suggestions on the following pages.


Key scripture: “Some people have gotten out of the habit of meeting for worship, but we must not do that.”​—Hebrews 10:25, Contemporary English Version.

Why would you want to be regular at something that you don’t seem to enjoy? Simply put, because that’s how you’ll learn to enjoy it! Think of it this way: How good could you become at a sport​—and how much would you enjoy it—​if you showed up for practice only occasionally? The same principle applies to Christian meetings. The more you attend, the more in shape you’ll feel spiritually. That, in turn, will make you want to keep coming back!​—Matthew 5:3.

Tips: After each meeting, tell at least one speaker what you appreciated about his presentation. Write in a journal one benefit you received by attending the meeting. And since much of the material at meetings is about the Christian ministry, make it your goal to improve in talking to others about your faith. It will make the information discussed at meetings more relevant to you.

“I was trained from a young age that meetings are not optional. Even when I was a child, it never occurred to me that I could just miss them. This attitude has stayed with me even until now.”​—Kelsey.

The bottom line: Those who are regular in attendance enjoy meetings more​—and get more out of them!


Key scripture: “Pay attention to how you listen.”​—Luke 8:18.

Researchers say that by the end of the day, the typical listener at a presentation forgets about 60 percent of what he or she has heard. If your money disappeared as quickly as that, wouldn’t you do something to try to hold on to it?

Tips: Sit with your parents near the front of the auditorium, where you are less likely to be distracted. Take notes. While not everyone has the same learning style, taking notes can keep your attention focused on the speaker​—and they’re great for later review.

“I used to have a hard time paying attention at meetings, but I’ve improved. I try to remember why I’m there. It’s not just a ritual, like going to church. I go to meetings to worship and to learn​—to take away something that I can apply in my life.”​—Kathleen.

The bottom line: Going to a meeting and not paying attention is like going to a banquet and not eating.


Key scripture: “People learn from one another, just as iron sharpens iron.”​—Proverbs 27:17, Good News Translation.

As a young person, you play a vital role at congregation meetings. Never underestimate the value of your presence and your participation, whether by offering a comment during a question-and-answer segment or by associating with fellow believers.

Tips: Make it a goal to offer at least one comment during a question-and-answer presentation. Volunteer to help out with cleanup or other work that needs to be done before, during, or after the meeting. Strike up a conversation with someone you don’t usually get a chance to talk to.

“During my mid-teens, I made myself available to carry microphones and set up the platform at the meetings. Having those responsibilities made me feel needed, and it compelled me to be there and to be on time. That helped me to take a deeper interest in spiritual things.”​—Miles.

The bottom line: Don’t just sit there​—do something! Being a participant is always more rewarding than being merely a spectator.

More articles from the “Young People Ask” series can be found at the Web site​ype

[Box/​Pictures on page 21]


Would you like to

● Learn the truth about God?

● Become a better person?

● Find the best type of friends?

The meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses can help you to do those things​—and more! Twice each week, Jehovah’s Witnesses gather for worship at their Kingdom Halls. No collections are taken, and visitors are always welcome.

Don’t miss out! The Kingdom Halls aren’t like any church you’ve been to. At the meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses, emphasis is placed on Bible education, and you will learn how God’s Word can help you to have the best life ever!​—Deuteronomy 31:12; Isaiah 48:17.

Sai​—When I first walked into the Kingdom Hall, I was surprised that there were no idols, that no one was dressed as a priest, and that no one asked me to give money. Everyone welcomed me, and I felt safe. What was discussed at the meeting was easy to understand, and it made sense. This was the truth that I had been looking for!

Deyanira​—I was 14 years old when I first went to a meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I was welcomed by everyone immediately. It seemed it really mattered to them that I was there, and they were genuinely interested in me. Because of that positive first experience, I wasn’t shy about going back!

[Box/​Pictures on page 22]

Find out what material will be covered at the next congregation meeting. Choose one part of the program that interests you and . . .


Complete the following before attending the meeting.

Name of part:


What I would like to know about this topic:


Complete the following after the part has been presented.

What I learned:


What I can tell the speaker that I enjoyed about his presentation:
