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A Meaningful Life​—Jesus Shows the Way

A Meaningful Life​—Jesus Shows the Way

“Walk just as Jesus walked.”​—1 John 2:6, NET Bible.

AS WE discussed in the preceding article, Jesus led a meaningful life. So if we want to fill our life with meaning, we do well to imitate his example and listen to his advice.

Jehovah, in fact, urges us to do just that, as the above scripture shows. Walking as Jesus walked involves patterning our entire way of life after his example and teachings. Doing so will help us to gain God’s approval and have a meaningful life.

Jesus’ teaching included principles that can help us to walk just as he walked. We find a number of these principles in his famous Sermon on the Mount. Let us consider a few of the principles and how we can apply them in our life.

PRINCIPLE: “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need.”​—Matthew 5:3.


Jesus indicated that humans have an innate spiritual need. We long to know the answers to such questions as these: Why are we here? Why is there so much suffering on this earth? Does God really care about us? Is there life after death? We need to know the answers to such questions in order to have a meaningful life. Jesus knew that there is only one reliable source that can answer those questions​—God’s Word. In prayer to his Father, Jesus said: “Your word is truth.” (John 17:17) Can God’s Word really help us to satisfy our spiritual need?


As the lead singer of a popular band, Esa was well on his way toward becoming a rock star. Even so, Esa felt that something was missing. “Although I enjoyed being in the band, I longed for more meaning in my life,” he says. In time, however, Esa came in contact with one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. “I bombarded him with questions,” Esa admits. “His logical, Scriptural answers intrigued me, so I agreed to have him study the Bible with me.” What Esa learned from his study of the Bible touched his heart and moved him to dedicate his life to Jehovah. “In the past, I constantly drifted in and out of problems and crises,” he says. “Now I have a real purpose in life.” *

PRINCIPLE: “Happy are the merciful.”​—Matthew 5:7.


Mercy involves showing compassion to others, being kind and considerate toward them. Jesus showed mercy to those in need. Moved by deep compassion, he took the initiative to relieve the suffering of others. (Matthew 14:14; 20:30-34) When we imitate Jesus in being merciful, we add meaning to our lives, for those who show mercy to others are happy as a result. (Acts 20:35) We can show mercy to others by our kind words and deeds, bringing relief to those who need our help. Does showing mercy really enhance our well-being?

Maria and Carlos


Maria and her husband, Carlos, are examples of being merciful. Maria’s father is a widower, and in recent years he has become bedridden. Maria and Carlos have taken him into their home and are looking after his every need. They have had many sleepless nights, even rushing him to the hospital when he has a diabetic crisis. They admit that they get really tired at times. But they are happy, just as  Jesus said, because they have the deep satisfaction of knowing that they are providing Maria’s father with the care he needs.

PRINCIPLE: “Happy are the peaceable.”​—Matthew 5:9.


To be “peaceable” literally means to be a “peacemaker.” How does being a peacemaker make life more meaningful? For one thing, we enjoy better relationships with those around us. We do well to heed the Bible’s advice: “If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men.” (Romans 12:18) “All men” include family members and others who may not share our beliefs. Can being peaceable toward “all men” really add meaning to our life?



Consider the experience of a woman named Nair. Over the years, she has faced many pressures that have tested her ability to maintain peace, especially within her own family. Ever since her husband abandoned her about 15 years ago, she has been bringing up her children on her own. One of her sons had a drug problem and often became uncontrollable and threatened her and her daughter. Nair believes that what she has learned from the Bible has given her the strength to be peaceable, even under such trying circumstances. She tries not to argue or fight about things. She endeavors to be kind, sympathetic, and understanding toward others. (Ephesians 4:31, 32) She is convinced that learning to be peaceable has enabled her to have the best possible relationships with family members and others.


If we follow Jesus’ wise advice, we will find happiness and contentment in life. For a truly meaningful life, however, we also need to know what the future holds. After all, how meaningful can life be if all we know is that we will eventually grow old, get sick, and then die? Yet, these are the realities of life in this world.

There is, however, good news! Jehovah has many blessings in store for all those who endeavor to “walk just as Jesus walked.” Jehovah promises that he will soon bring about a righteous new world, where faithful humans will live as Jehovah purposed for them to live​—forever in perfect health. His Word says: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”​—Revelation 21:3, 4.

Maria, the 84-year-old woman mentioned in the first article in this series, rejoices in the prospect of seeing those words come true. What about you? Would you like to know more about “the real life”​—the one to come under God’s Kingdom? (1 Timothy 6:19) If so, you can ask Jehovah’s Witnesses locally or write to the publishers of this magazine. *

^ par. 8 You can read Esa’s story in its entirety in the article, ”The Bible Changes Lives—My Behavior Was Brutal”.

^ par. 18 The book What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah’s Witnesses, has helped many to make a topical study of the Scriptures.