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JULY 3, 2024

Special Preaching Campaign in Remote Areas of Serbia Yields Outstanding Results

Special Preaching Campaign in Remote Areas of Serbia Yields Outstanding Results

From May 17 to 26, 2024, more than 600 brothers and sisters from Serbia and Montenegro participated in a special preaching campaign throughout several isolated regions of Serbia. This is the first in-person preaching campaign that Jehovah’s Witnesses have conducted in Serbia in over 20 years. It is estimated that over 1.5 million people—nearly a quarter of Serbia’s population—live in remote areas that our brothers cannot visit regularly. Remarkably, over 1,800 requests for Bible studies were received during the campaign.

In the town of Beli Potok, a woman who enjoyed a good conversation with the Witnesses telephoned several of her neighbors and said: “There are people coming to tell you about God and the Bible. Listen to them carefully!” Anticipating their visit, a woman at the last house in the village excitedly greeted the Witnesses and invited them in. She explained that she had previously attended the Memorial of Christ’s death. The woman eagerly accepted a personal Bible study.

Two sisters speaking to an older woman in the village of Trgovište

Two Witnesses were at a literature display cart in the town of Smederevska Palanka when a man named Radomir approached them. He remarked how happy he was to see religiously inclined people in his town. He then asked about the free personal Bible study advertised on the cart’s display. After the brothers explained how our interactive Bible course is conducted, Radomir gladly accepted the offer of a study.

What a blessing this special preaching campaign was for our brothers and sisters in Serbia and for all those thirsting for Bible truths.—John 7:37.