Fuhkah Kom Fin Oruh Sie Ma Koluk Upac?
Finne kom luhngse na pwacye Jeova ac kom kwacfeacng in tiac oruh ma ac ahkahsoryacl, kom srackna oruh ma tahfonglac kais kuhtuh pacl. Tuhsruhktuh, kuhtuh ma tahfonglac uh upac liki ma sahyac uh. (1 Corinth 6:9, 10) Kom fin oruh sie ma koluk upac, esam lah Jeova el srackna luhngse kom; ac el luhngse in nuhnak muhnahs nuh sum ac kahsre kom.
1. Meac kuht enenuh in oruh tuh fah eis nuhnak muhnahs luhn Jeova?
Ke pacl se mwet suc luhngse Jeova uh oruh ma koluk upac, elos arlacna ahsor. Tuhsruhktuh, sie mwe ahkkweye ma Jeova el wuhlelah inge nuh sin mwet lal uh: “Kowos tuhn sruhsrahlah ke ma koluk lowos, tuhsruhktuh nga fah oulkowosla in fasrfasr oacna snow.” (Isaiah 1:18) Kuht fin auliyak na pwacye, Jeova el ac fah nuhnak muhnahs nuh sesr. Kuht ac ahkkahlwemye fuhkah lah kuht auliyak? Kuht fin ahsor yohk na pwacye ke ma kuht oruh, kuht ac tui in oruh ma koluk ac siyuck nuhnak muhnahs sin Jeova. Kuht kwacfeacng pac in ekuhllah nuhnak koluk kuh orekma ma kol nuhke ma koluk lasr, ac kuht kwacfeacng in moulkihn moul fal nuhke oakwuck fuhlwact luhn Jeova ke moul nwacsnwacs.—Riti Isaiah 55:6, 7.
2. Jeova el orekmakihn fuhkah mwet elder uh in kahsre kuht ke pacl kuht oruh ma koluk?
Kuht fin oruh sie ma koluk upac, Jeova el fahk nuh sesr in “pahngon mwet elder ke congregation.” (Riti James 5:14, 15, NW.) Mwet elder inge luhngse Jeova ac luhngse mwet suc kuhlwacnsuhpwacl. Elos kuh in kahsre kuht in sifwilpac ahkwoye fototo wo lasr nuh sin Jeova, mweyen elos lutiyuck in oruh ma inge.—Galatia 6:1.
Mwet elder uh kahsre kuht fuhkah kuht fin oruh sie ma koluk upac? Elder luo kuh tolu ac fah orekmakihn Bible in ahksuwohsye kuht. Elos ac fah acse nuh sesr kahs in ahkkweye ac kahs in kahsruh ke ma kuht kuh in oruh in tiac sulpac oruh ma koluk lasr. Fin sie mwet suc oruh ma koluk upac el tiacna auliyak, mwet elder uh ac fah luhsuhllah kuh eislah liki congregation tuh elan tiac ahkkulukye ma inge.
Ahkyohkye srui lom lah fuhkah Jeova el kahsre kuht fin kuht oruh sie ma koluk upac.
3. Yohk kahsruh kuht fin fahkwacng ma koluk lasr uh
Jeova el ngalyak kuht fin oruh ma koluk, pwacnacng fal kuht in fahkwack nuh sel kac. Riti Psalm 32:1-5, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge:
Efuh arlacna wo nuh sesr in fahkwack nuh sin Jeova ma koluk lasr liki na in srihke in okanlah ma inge?
Sahyen in fahkwack ma koluk lasr nuh sin Jeova, yohk kahsruh pac kuht fin suk kahsruh sin mwet elder. Liye VIDEO se, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge.
Ke video an, mwet elder uh kahsrel Canon in sifwil fohlohk nuh yurin Jeova fuhkah?
Kuht enenuh in fahkwack nuh sin mwet elder ma nuhkewa kuht oruh; elos luhngse in kahsre kuht pacl nuhkewa. Riti James 5:16, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge:
Efuh kuh ac fihsracsr nuh sin mwet elder in kahsre kuht, kuht fin fahkwack ma nuhkewa nuh selos?
4. Jeova el ahkkahlwemye pahkotwen nuh sin mwet suc oruh ma koluk
Fin sie mwet suc oraclah ma koluk upac el sruhnga in ahkos oakwuck luhn Jeova, el ac fah eislah liki congregation, ac kuht tiac asruoki nuh sel. Riti 1 Corinth 5:6, 11, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge:
In oacna mwe ahkpulohl oruh bread se in pulohlwack, asruoki yurin mwet suc oruh ma koluk suc tiac auliyak kuh in ahkkulukye congregation fuhkah?
In etahi pahkotwen luhn Jeova nuh sin mwet suc oraclah ma koluk, mwet elder uh kwacfeacng in kahsruh mwet suc eislah liki congregation. Puhs selos fohlohk nuhke congregation, mweyen finne mwe kai uh ahkahsoryelos, tuhsruhktuh ma inge kahsrelos in akihlen lah ma elos oruh uh koluk.—Psalm 141.5
• Inkacnek luhn Jeova nuh sin mwet suc oraclah ma koluk ahkkahlwemye fuhkah lah el wo, pahkotwen, ac el God na luhngse se?
5. Jeova el nuhnak muhnahs nuh sesr ke kuht auliyak
Jesus el orekmakihn mwe puhpuhlyuck se ma kuh in kahsre kuht in kahlwem ke puhlakihn luhn Jeova ke pacl ma mwet se auliyak. Riti Luke 15:1-7, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge:
Meac fuhs inge luti nuh sum kacl Jeova?
Riti Ezekiel 33:11, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge:
Meac kom enenuh in oruh tuh kom in ahkkahlwemye lah kom auliyak?
KUHTUH MWET UH FAHK: “Nga sahngweng in fahkwack ma koluk luhk nuh sin mwet elder uh, sahp elos ac fah eisyuclah liki congregation.”
Meac kom ac fah fahk nuh sin mwet se suc nuhnkuh pac ohinge?
Kuht fin oruh ma koluk upac, Jeova el ac nuhnak muhnahs nuh sesr kuht fin auliyak na pwacye ac kwacfeacng in tiac sifwil oruh ohinge.
Efuh arlacna wo nuh sesr in fahkwack ma koluk lasr nuh sin Jeova?
Meac kuht enenuh in oruh tuh Jeova elan nuhnak muhnahs ke ma koluk lasr uh?
Kuht fin oruh ma koluk upac, efuh kuht enenuh in suk kahsruh sin mwet elder uh?
Liye lah fuhkah mukul se el puhla pahkotwen luhn Jeova in oacna ma ahkkahlwemyeyuck in Isaiah 1:18.
Mwet elder elos kwacfeacng fuhkah in kahsrelos suc oraclah ma koluk upac?
“Responding to Sin With Love and Mercy” (The Watchtower, August 2024)
Lotwelah lah luhngse ac pahkotwen ahkkahlwemyeyuck fuhkah nuh sin mwet suc oraclah ma koluk suc tiac auliyak.
“Help for Those Who Are Removed From the Congregation” (The Watchtower, August 2024)
Ke mwe sramsram se inge “I Needed to Return to Jehovah,” lotwelah lah fuhkah sie mwet suc som liki ma pwacye puhla muh Jeova el kahsrel in fohlohk nuhke congregation.