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Tahfwelah in Ahkkweye Fototo Lom nuh sin Jeova

Tahfwelah in Ahkkweye Fototo Lom nuh sin Jeova

Ke lutlut Bible lom orekmakihnyen puk se inge, oasr ma pucspucs kom lotwelah kacl Jeova. Ac ke srihpen ma kom lotwelah inge, kom ahkkahlwemye luhngse lom nuh sel ac sahp kom wuhlelah pac moul lom nuh sel ac eis bacptais. Kom fin soenna oruh, sahp kom nuhnkuh in oruh ma inge ke pacl na fototo fahsruh. Tuhsruhktuh tukun kom bacptaislac, kom enenuh in kwacfeacng in ahkfototoye kom nuh sin Jeova. Ahok, kom kuh in oruh ma inge ke lusen moul lom. Fuhkah?

1. Efuh kom in tahfwelah in ahkkweye ohiyen kawuck lom nuh sin Jeova?

Kuht enenuh in ahkkweye ohiyen kawuck lasr nuh sin Jeova ke kuhiyacsr kewa. Efuh? Tuh kuht ac fah tiac “forlah liki God moul.” (Hebrew 3:12) Meac kuh in kahsre kuht in tahfwelah in oaru in kuhlwacnsap nuh sin Jeova? Kuht in ahkkahfofoye kuht nuhke orekma in fahkwack pweng wo ac suk inkacnek tuh kuht in moniyuck in kuhlwacnsap nuh sin God lasr liki na meet ah. (Riti Philippi 3:16.) Orekma in kuhlwacnsap nuh sin Jeova pa ma wo emeet ma kuht in oruh ke moul lasr uh!​—Psalm 84:10.

2. Meac pac sahyac kom enenuh in tahfwelah na oruh?

Finne ac sahflah lutlut lom ke puk se inge, moul lom oacna sie mwet Christian ac fah tuhtahflah na. Bible uh fahk lah kuht enenuh in “nokomacng mwet sasuc.” (Ephesus 4:23, 24) Ke kom tahfwelah na lutlutkihn Kahs luhn God ac wi ke toeni luhn congregation, kom ac fah lotwelah ma sasuc kacl Jeova ac ke ohiyac wowo lal. Kwacfeacng in etahi pacl nuhkewa ohiyac wowo lal. Ac tahfwelah na in oruh ma eklac ke moul lom in ahkenganye Jeova.

3. Jeova el ac kahsre kom fuhkah in kapkapwack?

Bible uh fahk: “God, . . . El ac fah ahkwoyekowoslac, ac ahkkweye kowos tuh kowos in tu na kuh.” (1 Peter 5:10) Kuht nuhkewa kuh in srifweyuck in oruh ma tiac wo. Tuhsruhktuh, Jeova el acse ma kuht enenuh in lain mwe srifwe. (Psalm 139:23, 24) El wuhlelah lah el ac acse nuh sesr “kuh ac engan in ahkos ma luhngse lal.”​—Riti Philippi 2:13.


Lutlutkihn lah kom ac tahfwelah fuhkah in ahkkweye fototo lom nuh sin Jeova ac lah elac ahkinsewowoye kom fuhkah.

4. Sramsram pacl nuhkewa nuh sin Kawuck wo emeet lom

Puhruhe ac lutlut Bible kahsre kom in eklac mwet kawuck luhn Jeova. Orekma inge kuh in kahsre kom fuhkah in ahkfototoye kom nuh sel liki na meet ah?

Riti Psalm 62:8, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge:

  • In ahkkweye fototo lom nuh sin Jeova, kom ac ahkwoye fuhkah puhruhe lom ac ma kom fahk nuh sel?

Riti Psalm 119:97, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge:

  • In ahkkweye fototo lom nuh sin Jeova, ma wo fuhkah kom enenuh in oruh ke kom riti Bible?

Meac kom kuh in oruh tuh kom in eis na pwacye ma wo ke lutlut sifacna lom ke Bible? In kahsre kom kac, liye VIDEO se, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck inge.

  • Kahs in kahsruh fuhkah ke video sac kom luhngse in orekmakihn?

  • Sifac fuhkah kom luhngse in lutlutkihn?

5. Oakiyac finsrak wo ke kuhlwacnsap lom nuh sin God

Finsrak wo ke kuhlwacnsap nuh sin Jeova ac fah kahsre kom in tahfwelah in kapkapwack ke luhlahlfongi lom. Liye VIDEO se, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge.

  • Cameron el kahsreyuck fuhkah ke el oakiyac finsrak wo ke kuhlwacnsap nuh sin God?

Tiac mwet nuhkewa kuh in som nuhke acn sahyac in fahkwack pweng wo. Tuhsruhktuh, kuht kuh in oakiyac finsrak ma kuht kuh in ahkpwacyeye. Riti Soakas 21:5, ac tohkohyang nuhnkuh ke finsrak ma kom kuh in sun . . .

  • ke congregation.

  • ke orekma in luti.

Oakwuck wowo ke fuhs se inge ac kahsre kom fuhkah in sun finsrak lom inge?

Finsrak wo ma kom kuh in oakiyac

  • Ahkwoye ohiyen puhruhe lom.

  • Ritwelah Bible nohfohn.

  • Kwacfeacng in etwaclah mwet lili nuhkewa ke congregation lom.

  • Muhtwacwacack ac oruh sie lutlut Bible.

  • Sroacng nuhke orekma luhn auxiliary pioneer kuh regular pioneer.

  • Kom fin sie mukul lili, ahkwot nuh meet tuh kom in fal in kuhlwacnsap oacna sie ministerial servant.

6. Kom kuh in engankihn moul insewowo nwe tok!

Riti Psalm 22:26 ac 1 John 2:25, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck se inge:

  • Meac kom kuh in oruh tuh kom in engan ke moul lom ke pacl inge ac ke pacl fahsruh uh?


Tahfwelah na in ahkkweye fototo lom nuh sin Jeova ac oakiyac finsrak na wowo ke kuhlwacnsap lom nuh sel. Kom fin oruh ma inge, kom kuh in engankihn moul nwe tok ma pahtpaht!


  • Efuh kom luhlahlfongi muh Jeova elac kahsre kom in oaru in kuhlwacnsap nuh sel?

  • Kom ac ahkkweye fuhkah fototo lom nuh sin Jeova?

  • Finsrak wo ke kuhlwacnsap lom nuh sin Jeova kuh in kahsre kom fuhkah in fototo nuh sel liki na meet ah?

Srihke in Oruh Ma Inge


Meac ma yohk srihpac nuh sin Jeova, kom in moniyuck na pwacye ke orekma in kuhlwacnsap lom nuh sel ke pacl se na, kuh kom sruokyac oaru lom nuh sel lwen nuhkewa ke lusen moul lom?

Be Faithful Like Abraham (9:20)

Finne sie mwet kuhlwacnsap oaru luhn Jeova ac kuh in tuhlac insewowo lal. Meac kuh in kahsrel in sifwilpac engan kac?

Regain Joy Through Study and Meditation (5:25)

Kom ac oakiyac fuhkah finsrak wo ke kuhlwacnsap lom nuh sin God, ac kom ac ahkpwacyeye fuhkah finsrak lom inge?

“Use Spiritual Goals to Glorify Your Creator” (The Watchtower, July 15, 2004)

Efuh yohk srihpac kom in fokoko ke luhlahlfongi, ac kom ac oruh fuhkah ma inge?

“Press On to Maturity​—‘The Great Day of Jehovah Is Near’” (The Watchtower, May 15, 2009)